Sarno’s: The Original Little Italy of Los Feliz

Sarno's: The Original Little Italy of Los Felizopens IMAGE file

Sarno’s: The Original Little Italy of Los Feliz

Sarno’s bakery was the first place our father Antonio worked when he landed here from Italy in 1959. He worked there for the better part of the next decade as Sarno’s went on to become one of Los Feliz’s true Italian-American landmarks complete with music, munchies and murder…

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5 Comments On “Sarno’s: The Original Little Italy of Los Feliz”

  1. Jim and Zoe Fitzgerald

    Hi Guys: We lived in L A for years. My wife is a native. We used to come to your restaurant in the 60’s and 70’s. I was thinking about L A this morning and you came into my mind. Glad to ass you are still there. We will come see you when we come out next year.

  2. OMG! I’m so happy Sarno’s still there. I have great memories of this place, back in the 70’s I was a teen and my mom would take us for dinner, the salad dressing was awesome and the cannolis were one if kind also their cakes were fabulous. Those memories left me looking for the same flavors never to be copied not even the Olive Garden urrrrrrgh. .. until recently a new Italian restaurant opened in my area brought back those memories same flavors..oh those were the days…great time. I hope to visit some day soon

  3. Great memories. My husband was talking today about pastries, and my mind flashed to you, my favourite canoli joint in the Los Angeles basin. Many happy memories. Glad you are still creating joy for your adoring fans.

  4. I attended law school at southwestern university
    I also taught school at john marshall highschool
    1976-2000-i lived on Cedarhurst circle-I knew alberto very well
    I loved his restaurant and his lovely waitresses with tight black sweaters,skirts and hot red lipstick–loved hearing the local talent
    belt out arias-old alberto with handkerchief in hand hands in his front pockets Mario lanza style would entertain a crowd that finally loved him=
    oh yeah I enjoyed palermos and tony-free wine


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